Friday, November 4, 2011

My Grandparents and the Internet

All but one of my grandparents passed away before I really was at the age to understand the concept of if they were surfing the web or not. My one last living grandmother though has been completely resistant to the idea of technology in her house. She lives in a very small town in Ohio called Mt. Sterling, and last time I checked the only internet options out there are dial up or satellite. She has never had an e-mail address or even turned on a computer for all that I know. For instance when my sister had her first child this past year we had to e-mail her neighbor a picture of her so she could see her, because as I stated my Grandma is not very tech friendly and doesn't even own a cell phone, let alone a computer. Secondly i wouldn't say there is a divide between us or any of my friends that are tech resistant, because most of the time they are willing to learn and understand new things, and well for my Grandma it never hurts to call her on her land line.

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